Being prepared for school each day
Children will need their waterproof coat suitable for the day, a bag for reading books and homework and a packed lunch (if required). Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.
Break and lunch times
Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.
Class Teacher – Miss Kemp

Teaching Assistants
Mrs Wass

Miss Peatfield

Mrs Smith

Miss Gibbons

Magna Science Museum
We had an amazing day exploring Air, Earth, Fire and Water at Magna. We took part in a ‘Big Circuits’ workshop consolidating our learning in school about electricity. We also saw a giant model river with the water cycle, layers of the earth and examples of changes of state which all recapped our learning from our previous driver topics.
Following our Geography Rivers topic and our Science Living things and habitats, Class 3 are taking part in a Mayfly project with Mrs Barber. The children have collected larvae from the river and we will keep them in class to observe how they grow.
Geography – Rivers
Children have labelled the stages of a river and their features