Catholic Social Teaching in Action
Hello my name is Darragh, and I am reporting on our aim to reduce food waste in school.
During this term our six senior chaplains have been monitoring class food waste. We carpeted some posters, ‘Eat for need, not for greed’ and What is on your plate goes in your tummy!’.
We have observed that less food waste is going in the bins and all pupils are eating what they are given.
Hello, my name is Bobby, and I am reporting on what we have been doing in school.
This week we have gone to our community garden and planted daffodil bulbs and acorns to observe how well they will grow. We did this because we want to make the environment a better place and attract bees to pollinate flowers. This helps to ensure we have clean air.
Hello, my name is Nieve.
As part of my Fairtrade work, we have planted Fairtrade seeds and next term we are presenting an assembly to highlight the plight of farmers in South America