Being prepared for school each day
Children will need their waterproof coat suitable for the day, a bag for reading books and homework and a packed lunch (if required). Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.
Break and lunch times
Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.
Class Teacher – Mrs Mallabar

Teaching Assistants
Miss Bowler

Miss Peatfield

Story Time
The children are learning about algorithms.
The children are learning about seasonal changes. We have been learning about the formation of clouds.
The children have been learning all about the Pentecost Story. They created headbands with words linking to the coming of The Holy Spirit.
Geography – Our Local Area: New Mills & Art – Sketching
The children have been out around New Mills looking for human and physical geographical features. We then took time in the local orchard to practice our sketching skills by sketching our local landscape.
PSHE/RSHE: Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Services
The children have been learning all about how to keep themselves safe. We had a visit from Derbyshire Fire Service who taught the children what to do if a fire breaks out and how to STOP, DROP and ROLL.
History: The History of Flight
The children have been learning all about the history of Flight. When learning about the Wright Brothers and their gliders the children explored different flying machines and how they glide using the air.
Design & Technology: We Are Inventors
The children have been learning all about the Wright Brothers and how they invented the first aeroplane. The children planned their own inventions using ‘The Little Inventors’ project. We planned, designed and created our own inventions.