Video Channel

Station of the Cross

World Book Day 2023

Assembly - class 2 Liturgy

Singing hands

Year 5 and 6 dance festival


Oracy skills

Lily and Gabi are leading a Trust podcast to share how we achieved our ‘Live Simply’ Award. Our school is showing the way with its sustainability drive and is sharing this with over 8000 pupils across the Trust.  In these videos, the pupils talk about the awards process and then interview our Eco team leader ( Bobby) and our Fairtrade team leader (Nieve) about their roles within school.

Our school sports reporter, Harris, also updates us on our most recent sporting successes.

All the children prepared their scripts just like television broadcasters!

They have certainly demonstrated excellent oracy skills throughout the interviews. Well done to all of you.


Singing Christmas Carols at The Shrub Club

Class 4 – Music

Class 4 – Science

French Activity Day

Art – Class one assembly