Vocation and Mission

Our children are encouraged to lead the school in acts of charity and mission that supports others.

The Chaplaincy Team

The chaplaincy team spend one lunchtime per week reading bible stories, discussing the message and engaging in fun activities associated with the story. This takes place in the Rainbow room. This room is also available during other lunchtimes for prayer and quiet reflection if the children wish.

Statements To Live By

Each week, one of the statements to live by is distributed to each class at the end of Monday worship. They are then discussed within each class and annotated with all the ways in which the children plan to live out those statements in their daily life.

Please see our ClassDojo school story and our weekly newsletters for our liturgical celebrations and our weekly statements to live by!

To see the parent voice following the Parent and questionnaire feedback on Catholic Life, religious Education and Collective worship please click here – Parent voice – Catholic life, religious education and collective worship survey

The Bible is the most important book we have. Our faith is rooted in Sacred Scripture.

Scripture inspires learning, culture, art, music and literature. With a renewed love of Scripture comes the opportunity and desire to share it with others.

With its 73 books, it offers an incredibly detailed picture of the story of the Creator and His creation. We can literally hear the word of the living God spring from its pages. So picking a weekly Bible verse is not as easy as you might think!

Missionary Discipleship Resource.pdf

Weekly Worship – Chris, our former lay chaplain, led whole school worship

NDCYS (Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service) – Website Resources

There is a wide range of resources available which serve to complement primary Collective Worship provision.

What is Come and See?

A Catholic Primary Religious Education programme for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2 published in July 2012.

This easy to use teacher-friendly material has been written by a group of experienced diocesan advisors.

It follows on from successful trialling in schools in England and Wales and is based on the theological foundations of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Catechism and the revised RE Curriculum Directory and includes the Catholic attainment levels.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses the search for meaning in life. God’s initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us and our response of faith. (cf. CCC26) This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through; Explore, Reveal and Respond.

Letter To Parents Lent Term 2024 – Come and See

Our Catholic Year – Lent

Stations of the Cross videos

Stations of the Cross as told by the children Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross as told by the children – journey with refugees Stations of the Cross – journey with refugees

Stations of the Cross as told by the children – from Mary’s eyes Stations of the Cross – from Mary’s eyes

Stations of the Cross as told by the children 2023-  Stations of the Cross 2023

Ascension Art


What does CAFOD do?

We are an international development charity and the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

We reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, whatever their religion or culture. Through our global Church network, one of the largest in the world, we have the potential to reach everyone. And we campaign for global justice, so that every woman, man and child can live a full and dignified life.


As a school, we support CAFOD through regular fundraising activities as well as inviting CAFOD representatives in to talk about their global work.

Mission Day Banners

Class displays

RE work

The Lord's Prayer in Polish