DfE Performance Tables

DfE School Performance Tables

We are pleased to share the academic results for our school for this year. The children should feel very proud of these results, which are due to the hard work not only of the children themselves but also the parents and teachers who give support and encouragement.

Assessment in primary schools was reformed in 2016 and a new ‘expected standard’ was created which reflects a higher standard than in 2015. Each child receives a scaled score from 80 – 120. Pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the new curriculum was assessed. This curriculum provides greater challenge with higher expectations set for the end of Key Stage 2.

Please be aware that, as a small school, fluctuations of results can happen from 1 year to the next as the results of 1 child can have a significant impact.

Key Stage 2 Results for 2024

School attainment for 16 pupils

Reading, Writing and Maths at Expected Level50%61%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling75%72%
Progress ScoresSchool Results 2023Local Authority AverageNational Average
Reading, Writing and MathsSchool Results 2024Local Authority AverageNational Average
% of pupils meeting the EXPECTED STANDARD or above in Reading, Writing and Maths50%59%61%
% of pupils achieving at a HIGHER STANDARD in Reading, Writing and Maths0%7%est 7%
Average ScoresSchool ResultsLocal Authority AverageNational Average