‘We promise to walk side by side with families on their child’s educational journey. We are on your side, through every triumph and every challenge. We will support you.’ Mrs Chapman – Headteacher.
A very warm welcome to Saint Mary’s!
We hope that you and your families are well and we are so pleased that you have chosen to look at our school. We know that starting in reception or moving to a new school is a big step in your lives, and we want you to know that we will be with you every step of the way. We are a small school with a strong focus on providing the best possible learning opportunities for every child, a place where outstanding behaviour and respect for one another is highly valued. Every child is encouraged, nurtured and given all the tools they need to reach their full potential as they continue on their future learning journey.
School Tours
We would love to meet you in person and give you a tour of our wonderful school.
Please also take a few minutes to view the ‘Meet the Teacher’ PowerPoints.
Wraparound club
We have a daily breakfast club from 7.30am for £4.00 per session and our after school club runs from home time to 5.30pm and costs £8.00. This includes a drink and a snack as well as lots of fun games, sports and crafts.
Views from our families
‘Education and the family are the cornerstone of a child’s life. St. Mary’s CVA successfully supplements home life by creating a caring family environment whilst educating children to the highest standard. For a school to flourish and also care for its pupils nothing is more important than leadership starting with the head teacher, supported by a dedicated teaching staff and all who play their part in school life. St. Mary’s CVA is blessed to have such a focused teaching team. A happy child is usually a successful child. You only need to walk by the school gate and witness the laughter during playtime to know St. Mary’s children are happy.’
‘Thank you for all your hard work and everything you do for our children and families.’
‘The well rounded education is inclusive covering the essential 3 R’s, knowledge of many faiths and topics of general interest to instruct pupils as they start out on a life’s journey. As grandparents it is a comfort to know your grandchild is happy with a thirst for knowledge which is a reflection on both home and school life.’
‘What a wonderful school we have and we’re extremely grateful for all your hard work!!’
‘As a parent I massively appreciate the huge amount of outstanding work being done to teach my child in such difficult circumstances, all the staff should be very proud of the standard of schooling being delivered to the children.’
Useful links
We have added some useful links here, but if there is anything at all that you would like to know or if you need any support in applying for a school place, please do pick up the phone – we are here to help you. You can also e-mail the school office at joxley@nmm.srscmat.co.uk
We look forward to meeting you soon and we really hope to welcome you to our Saint Mary’s family.
Kind regards,
The Saint Mary’s team.
All pupils, of any faith or no faith, are very welcome at our school.