
In English we enable all our pupils to recognise that language plays a fundamental role in the growth of our identity and self image, leading to human flourishing which transcends limitations and barriers.

Exposure to a rich literature and the development of high level literacy skills gives them the tools to participate as a global citizen.

Class 1 (EYFS & Yr1)

Class 1 Year A

Class 1 Year B

Class 2  (Yr1 & Yr2)

Class 2 Year A

Class 2 Year B

Class 3  (Yr3 & Yr4)

Class 3 Year A

Class 3 Year B

Class 4  (Yr5 & Yr6)

Class 4 Year A

Class 4 Year B


At St. Mary’s, our Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) Scheme is Pearson’s Phonics Bug.

Phonics Information for Parents

Phonics Bug Progression Chart

All you need to know about phonics – Pearson – YouTube

Parent Guide To Phonics

Phonics Glossary

Phonics Pronunciation Guide & Sound board

Sound board from Pearsons

Bug Phonics Pronunciation Guide

You Tube Video – Mr Bates Bug Club

Phonics Bug Phase 2 – Mr Bates Online

Phonics Bug Phase 3 – Mr Bates Online

Phonics Bug Phase 5 – Mr Bates Online


No Nonsense Spelling Progression

NoNonsense Spelling Pathway

Common Exception Words

Common exception words are a group of words that appear very often in written texts and in spoken language, but which do not always follow the phonics rules and therefore cannot be decoded. In each phase, there are sets of common exception words that the children should be able to read and spell independently.

Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words

Year 3 & 4 Common Exception Words

Year 5 & 6 Common Exception Words

Our school follow the Martin Harvey Handwriting Scheme.

Children take part in daily handwriting lessons which teach them not only letter formation and letter families, but also about how to sit correctly, hold their pencil correctly and about taking care and pride in the presentation of high quality written work.

Handwriting Progression Map

Handwriting Progression LTP

Handwriting Letter Formation Mat & Letter Families.

Accurate Letter Formation

Handwriting Printable Sheets (for use at home)


Handwriting Sheets

Pupil Shared Reading (Lunchtime Club)

Local Library Visits

Collapsed Curriculum Days

Each year, we have two whole school collapsed curriculum days, where the whole school spend the entire day immersed in reading or writing.

Here is the video link to our World Book day 2023 – Non-Fiction Writing day

Click for Video – English CC Non-Fiction Writing

Open Reading Sessions

Every year, all of our classes host ‘Open Reading’ sessions, where their family members are invited into school to come and share some quiet reading time together.

Early Years