School Uniform

We are very proud of our school uniform and how smart it makes us look!


  • School sweatshirt or cardigan with / without school badge
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Grey pinafore, skirts of trousers
  • Black school shoes
  • Blue gingham summer dress


  • School sweatshirt with school badge
  • Grey trousers
  • White shirt or polo shirt
  • Grey or black socks
  • Black school shoes
  • Grey school shorts

Please ensure that every item of clothing is labelled with your child’s name

Each child should have an indoor and outdoor PE kit.

All items should be clearly labelled and kept in the same PE bag.

Indoor Kit

  • White t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black pumps

Outdoor Kit

  • White t-shirt (one t-shirt for indoor and outdoor use is sufficient)
  • Jogging bottoms
  • Sweatshirt
  • Socks
  • Trainers (designed for sport, not fashion trainers).  They should be well fitting and in good conditions as injuries can be sustained from poor fitting footwear (recommended from Level 5 Specialist PE coach)

Swimming (Key Stage 2 Only)

  • Dark coloured swimming costume or Dark coloured swimming trunks (not baggy shorts)
  • Towel
  • Swimming hat (ideally, but not compulsory)

ALL stored in a named bag.

All long hair should be tied back so that it does not impair vision.


All children should have a book bag.

Rucksacks, backpacks or tote bags are NOT permitted, as we simply do not have the space to store 30+ large bags in each classroom.

Book bags are available from Headmasters (link on right) and most school uniform stockists.

As well as wearing school uniform, pupils at St Mary’s CVA are expected to abide by the following rules regarding appearance;


  • Long hair should be tied back for health and safety reasons.
  • Extreme hairstyles, e.g. coloured hair, hair with logos or shapes cut out and styles that are obviously not in keeping with what is normal within the schools are not allowed and the Headteacher reserves the right to instruct parents to collect children whose hairstyles contravene this ruling.  If in doubt, always check first.
  • Hair bands / Alice bands are allowed, but only plain bands are permitted.


  • Earrings – small earring studs are permitted, but these must be removed by the child before each PE lesson.  Your child will have to put their own studs back in after the lesson.  As KS2 pupils must remove piercings before swimming, we ask that your child only has their ear pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays.
  • No other jewellery should be worn to school.

Nail Varnish

  • Pupils should NOT wear nail varnish

School shoes – from September 2023 onwards

We are becoming an active learning environment! Moving forward, we want to ensure that all of our pupils have appropriate footwear that is suitable for movement around school and active learning. This has many benefits including the following:

  • Ankle support
  • Increased activity levels
  • only one pair of shoes needed (these shoes are suitable for PE)
  • Hardwearing and longer lasting
  • Suitable all year round

We do not want any pupils to injure themselves by wearing inappropriate footwear, this includes t-bar/open shoes (such as Mary Jane shoes), boots or slip ons.

Many lessons aside from PE are active and can include outdoor learning, such as forest schools, maths circuit training etc.

Uniform Suppliers

All uniform and kit can be purchased from the following suppliers:

Headmasters Schoolwear (a Fairtrade supplier)

11 Union Road, New Mills, High Peak, SK22 3EL


01663 749526

Kool Skools

We are a Fair Trade school.

Kool Skools provides Fairtrade school uniform

Other Suppliers

Most school items can be purchased from stores such as ASDA, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Tesco and other general school outfitters.

Our policy is to ensure that parents have a choice of retailers to purchase different items from.

Second hand uniform

Second hand uniform can be purchased at the New Mills Youth and Community Project  –