Hello and Welcome to Class 1

Being prepared for school each day

Children will need their waterproof coat suitable for the day, a bag for reading books and homework and a packed lunch (if required). Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.

Break and lunch times

Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.

Class Teacher – Mrs Hodgson

Amy Hodgson

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Hibbert

Mrs M Hibbert Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant – Mr Stone

Mr M Stone Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Crossley

Natalie Crossley

Teaching Assistant – Miss Peatfield

Miss E Peatfield Teaching Assistant

Design Technology – History of flight 

As part of our History of Flight topic we have been looking at a range of different vehicles from past and present. We started by taking cars apart to see what we would need to build a car – an axel, chassis and wheels. We then put together a simple car to see how to make a car that could move. Finally we designed our own car and manufactured it using a range of junk modelling and materials.

Come and See – Good News

We have been learning about the story of Pentecost. We talked about how all of the disciples were sad to have lost Jesus when he ascended to heaven but then were happy and joyful when they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Physics – Weather

In Science we have been exploring seasonal changes and the weather. Our first session we investigated clouds and why it rains? We predicted what would happen to our rain clouds once we added more water to them. We also thought about what would happen if we mixed two different primary colours together.

Literacy – The Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony

Year 1 have been learning about the Queen and her platinum Jubilee celebrations. We wrote instructions on how to draw the Queen then followed these to paint a canvas.

Literacy – Meet the author

Class 1 had the opportunity to meet the author – Lucy Hawking (Steven Hawking’s daughter) She talked to us about the importance of climate change and how the heroine in her story, Princess Olivia, didn’t realise the impact we were all having on the World.

Literacy – Communication and Language/Physical Development

We have been following a set of instructions to make Easter Egg nests. We had to think about how to be hygienic (washing our hands) and think about the next sequential step.

Come and See – Good News

During our ‘Good News’ topic we have been learning about how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit after he ascended to Heaven. To understand this we talk about how the Holy Spirit can be compared to wind. Although you can’t see the wind you can feel it and know it is there. We then took this into the forest school and made a dreamcatcher to catch the wind and to send our prayers to heaven.

Meet the Staff for this Class

Miss Kemp

Mrs Hibbert

Mr Stone


Useful Links

Useful Information for Parents

Miss Kemp talks about the transition from reception to class one.