PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is a school curriculum subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.

PSHE education helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life – and work – in modern Britain.

Curriculum Documents and Progression Maps

Progression Maps

Whole School Relationship & Sex Education Progression Map

A Journey In Love – Progression Map

Personal, Social & Health Education – Progression Maps (by Topic)

These progression documents have been produced for each of our PSHE topics. Each one has been carefully triangulated with our Religious Education Scheme (Come & See) and our KS3 feeder schools. They show our opportunities for cross-curricular learning across the wider school curriculum and also recommend books from within our PSHE well-being library.

Being Healthy

Being Healthy

Being Me

Being Me

These knowledge mats have been produced to give you an overview of the types of things your child will be learning about during our PSHE lessons in school. They also offer suggestions of conversations you could have at home over dinner, activities you could do together as a family and books that you could share to help strengthen and develop your child’s understanding of the world around them.

Being Me

Knowledge Mat – KS1 – Being Me

Money Matters

Knowledge Mat – KS1 – Money Matters


Knowledge Mat – KS1 – Changes

Growing Up

Knowledge Mat – KS1 – Growing Up

These knowledge mats have been produced to give you an overview of the types of things your child will be learning about during our PSHE lessons in school. They also offer suggestions of conversations you could have at home over dinner, activities you could do together as a family and books that you could share to help strengthen and develop your child’s understanding of the world around them.

Being Me

Knowledge Mat – LKS2 – Being Me

Money Matters

Money Matters Knowledge Organiser

These knowledge mats have been produced to give you an overview of the types of things your child will be learning about during our PSHE lessons in school. They also offer suggestions of conversations you could have at home over dinner, activities you could do together as a family and books that you could share to help strengthen and develop your child’s understanding of the world around them.

Being Me

Knowledge Mat – UKS2 – Being Me

RSHE Parent Consultation 2020

RSHE Letter to Parents – St. Mary’s October 2020
Our School is committed to RSHE which
1. Relationship and Sex Education Policy – October 2020
2. RSHE Primary Leaflet for Parents
3. RSHE_primary_schools_guide_for_parents
4. A Journey In Love – Progression Map

RSHE parent consultation survey

Parents and carers were asked to complete a short survey below. There were 5 simple questions that allowed us to gain feedback about the curriculum design before we finalised our required documentation with the Governors.

The results of the survey can be seen below.

Whole school mini first aid training