My name is Ella Peatfield and I am a Higher Level Teaching Assistant.
As part of my role, I have the privilege of teaching Year 3,4,5 and 6 all about Global Learning.
Global learning helps equip children to live successfully and responsibly in an interconnected world. It enables all our pupils to achieve the aims of a broad and diverse curriculum. This ensures that all pupils have sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.
Links are made to the 17 Sustainable Development goals which were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Global learning is about developing an understanding of how we can live alongside other people and how we can care for our local and global environment and planet. Importantly, it shows that by sharing a common home (Pope Francis – Laudato Si) we all depend on each other. It is also about appreciating that the actions we take today have the potential to have an impact both now and for future generations to come. It allows the children to engage with global issues and explore links between their own lives and people, places and issues throughout the world. Another element we include is researching inspirational people who have made a difference eg Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Maximillian Kolbe, Marcus Rashford etc.
Some of the topics we cover are zero hunger, gender equality, quality education for all, climate action, renewable energy and peace and justice – to name a few.
These topics often link to CAFOD campaigns. For example: we took part in The Walk Against Hunger, Send Our Friends to School, Step Up ToThe Plate and Fix the Food System.
We have written letters to our Prime Minister with regard to COP 26 and invited our local MP into school to display our work and perform our poems and raps about British Values. He was extremely impressed.

Global Learning Updates
October 2022
Hello, my name is Millie and I am the school and parish ambassador.
I am in Class 4 and I am sharing with you today what we have been doing in Global Learning. Recently we have been learning about the Queen’s death and how much of an inspiring woman she was.
We have also been looking at racism and discrimination and that we should not treat others unfairly and differently because of the colour of their skin. We also learned about, how all children have the right to a good and fair education. We know in other countries some children and adults are being unfairly treated and do not have the life that they deserve to have.
We are very fortunate for the lives we have, the food we eat, the homes we own, the people we love and a fair education. People do not see how lucky we are to be us and so unique and special, but we must put those thoughts behind us and think about others in this world.
We can do things to change our world for the better and that is exactly what we did when we sent a letter to our local MP Mr Robert Largan. Robert Largan came into our school, we wrote poems and letters to him, and Year Three and Four created a song and dance about the British values.
I know in a democracy, we are free to make our own choices, and we follow the rule of law to help us to be tolerant and to treat others of different cultures no differently than you would your family. I have also learned about mutual respect and individual liberty and how lucky we are to have both and live in the United Kingdom.
I hope you enjoyed hearing about what we have been learning recently in Global Learning.
Our sister school
As part of our Global Learning lessons we have been liaising with Busyangwa School which is in Uganda. This is part of the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme which supports schools internationally to learn about and collaborate on the big big issues that shape our world.
During different fund raisers, including our recent Lent sponsored walk, we have managed an amazing £600 for the purchase of a battery operated TV. Recently we have been able to send letters, artwork and posters with the help of Brian Westhead and Geoff Carrier. During the Easter holidays Geoff travelled to Uganda with a suitcase full of our items including clothes and sweets from our local factory.
Busyangwa School has been touch to thank us for our generosity. The children and staff of Saint Mary’s CVA are very excited about this connection with our sister school, which has encouraged a greater understanding of global issues.